Our Motto

More sleeping= better health and grades.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Fun Links


Follow these links to find games on sleeping!!!

Sleep Positions and Personality

The foetus: (41%) People who sleep in the foetus position are tough on the outside but sensitive at heart.
They are usually shy when they first encounter somebody new, but soon relax.

Log: (15%) People who sleep in the log position are easy going, social people who like being part of the in-crowd, and who are trusting of strangers.
They may be gullible.

Yearner:(13%) People who sleep in the yearner position have an open nature, but can be cynical and suspicious.
They are slow when making a decision, but they are unlikely to change their decision after it is made.

Soldier:(8%) People who sleep in the soldier position are quiet and reserved.
They don't like a fuss, but they set themselves and others high standards.

Free fall:(7%) People who sleep in the free fall position are gregarious and brash people, but can be nervy and thin-skinned underneath.
They do not like criticism or extreme situations.

Starfish:(5%) People who sleep in the starfish position are good friends because they are always ready to listen to others.
They also offer help when needed.
They generally do not like to be the center of attention.

Information and picture from:
BBC news!

Second Advice from Bob, the Sleep Master

Bob is saying, "The mandatory sleeping hours:
Newborns: 12 to 18 hours
Toddlers: 12 to 14 hours
Preschoolers: 11 to 13 hours
School- aged kids: 10 to 11 hours
Teens and Preteens: 8.5 to 9 hours
Adults: 7 to 9 hours

Bob the Sleep Master. Copy right to Grace Chang

Lack of Sleep May Age Your Body

In a recent study, healthy young people who had less sleep had huge changes in metabolic and endocrine functions. The results showed that the young people had lower glucose tolerance, and evening cortisol levels were raised and the activity of sympathetic nervous system was increased.
Increased glucose tolerance and increased activity of the sympathetic tone is the risk factors for developing insulin resistance, obesity, and hypertension.
Raised cortisol concentrations are involved in age-related insulin resistance and memory impairments.

Picture from

Friday, May 27, 2011

Advise from Bob, the Sleep Master.

Bob is saying, " Your bed should be seen as a resting place, so keep work out. Keep your room dark, cool, and quiet when you sleep. TV should be off of course. =D =D."

Bob drawn by Grace Chang.
Bob, the Sleep Master. Copy right to Grace Chang

Are You Really Awake?

When there is lack of sleep, the brain does anything to get the sleep that it needs. Sometimes, people enter micro sleep, which is when the brain is sleeping during wake hour. When our brains are asleep, the neurons switch themselves off and slow wave activity appears in the brains. That is very dangerous because neurons are responsible for processing and transmitting information by electrical signals. So, when the brain is asleep, our brains will not be able to process images we see.

Picture from

Thursday, May 26, 2011

You’ll Die From Lack of Sleep Long Before You’ll Die From Lack Of Food.

Lack of sleep will weaken your immune system. Even one night of sleep can harm your immune system and cells that try hard to fight off diseases. During deep sleep, the immune system strengthens itself and fights infection. Therefore, sleep deprivation comprises with the immune system and makes the body susceptible to colds and flu. Also, lack of sleep makes it hard for you to shake off the flu after you get it. In addition, sleep restrictions in people resulted significant changes in metabolic and endocrine functions. Glucose tolerance decreased, evening cortisol concentrations increased, and the activity of the nervous system was also increased.

Picture from

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Best Environment for Sleeping

In order to sleep well, follow all these recommendations.
1. Do not exercise right before sleeping. Exercise at least 3 hours before you go to bed.
2. Get yourself a routine. If you get a
routine of taking a warm
shower or bath before bed, your brain will be able to relax.
3. Get the best pillow that matches your sleeping habits.
If you sleep on your stomach, you need a flatter pillow because if the pillow is too high up, you will suffer from back pain.
If you sleep on your side, you need a plumper pillow fills up the space between your neck and your shoulder, keeping your spine perfectly aligned.
If you sleep on your back, you need a thick, stiff pillows can push a back sleeper's head too far up. wn pillows are best for squish-ability, but they aren't always supportive. Starting from the top to the bottom, the pillow is for stomach sleepers, side sleepers, and lastly, back sleepers

Pictures from

Crossword puzzle

5. This is a sign of lack of sleep. This is when you are very moody and your mood keeps changing.
7. This is a very important activity. You need to do this for at least 9 hours in order to rest the body. 
8. This is caused by lack of sleep. This is when you are irritated easily. 
1. This is a hormone produced by the stomach. When you are sleep deprived, the stomach creates more of this. 
2. It is a sickness. This is a condition where you cannot fall asleep. 
3. This substance can disturb your sleep. It is included in coffee and soda. 
4. This is a sign of sleep deprivation. This is when your are very drowsy. 
6. This is caused by lack of sleep. It is when you are overweight.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

What Is Preventing Us From Sleeping?

What is preventing us from sleeping?
There are various answers to that question.
The major answer would be the technology these days.
Now that the people have more access to entertainment, they forget to go to bed because they do not want to waste time sleeping when they have the most entertaining systems in their own bedrooms.
In order to prevent this problem, scientists/doctors advise people to turn off the electronics 30 minutes before bed and to limit the number of electronics in their bedrooms.

Picture from

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Real Reason Behind Obesity

Our society is filled with illnesses and worries, but the utmost problem in our community is the growing number of childhood obesity or just general obesity. Many people blame the problem of obesity on sugary foods such as candies, sodas, and fast foods. These products certainly have a influence on human body, but the real culprit behind the obesity is lack of sleep. Studies have shown how sleep loss could disturb the production of hormone that control the desire for calorie-rich foods. Also, the level of ghrelin, a hormone released by the stomach to signal hunger, was 15% higher in people who sleep five hours than people getting eight hours of sleep. This is proving the fact that sleeping can actually cause obesity.

Picture from

Thursday, May 19, 2011

What Sleep Deprivation Can Do To You.

As we live our lives, we tend to think that we can make up the sleep that we lost. However, we actually cannot make up all the time spent not sleeping. Why is that such a big problem? That is because lack of sleep can cause serious health problems such as a buildup of plaque in the arteries of the heart. Healthy people who were tested to have no heart problems developed some calcification in their arteries, a sign of early heart disease. Do not overlook sleeping as a leisure activity.

Picture from

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Quiz Yourself!!!

Test your ZZZ IQ!

True or False?
1. Little kids need lots more sleep than teens do.
2.Driving while sleepy is more dangerous than driving while intoxicated.
3. Students will do worse on a test if they sleep for eight or more hours after studying for it.
4. Drinking coffee or caffeinated sodas allows you to think and function correctly even if you are in desperate need for sleep.

1. False.
Teens may need more sleep than young kids because during adolescence, a lot of hormonal and growth changes occur.
2. False.
Driving sleepy and intoxicated is both equally dangerous.
3. False.
Students will do better on a test when the material that they studied has a chance to settle into the brain while sleeping.
4. False.
Coffee or caffeine may give people temporary energy/ alertness, but it will not allow a sleep-deprived brain to think more clearly.

Picture from

Having Trouble Falling Asleep?

Having trouble falling asleep?
Copy and paste the URL and listen to the soothing songs.
Peaceful songs can help when trying to get sleep.





"Garfield Sleepy wallpaper." Free Wall Paper Downloads.com. Free Wall Paper Downloads.com, n.d. Web. 7 Jun 2011. .

Sleeping is Important!!

It is a known fact that sleeping is very important to the body. Without sleep, it is very likely that the body's stress hormones will increase. People who had less sleep had higher blood levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, according to the samples taken by the University of Chicago. The stress hormone, cortisol, is shown in the picture on the right. The blue substance is the cortisol and it is released as a reaction to stress. Without sufficient sleep, the body will release more cortisol, which may affect the body's health negatively.

Messer, A'ndrea. "Stress hormone raises obesity risk in girls." Futrurity. Futrurity, 22,Feb, 2011. Web. 7 Jun 2011. .

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Don't Let Nightmares Come Between You and Your Sleep!!

If you have trouble sleeping because of nightmares, try having nice scented flowers or herbs near your bed.
In contrast, smelly objects such as rotten eggs should not be near your bed because smelly objects will give you nightmares.

"Chamomile Flower Tatoos." Flower Tatoos. Flower Tatoos, n.d. Web. 17,May,2011. .